
Replace The Lightbulbs

Change all the light bulbs in your house from incandescent to florescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs are a huge waste of energy. 85 percent of the energy that goes into a incandescent bulbs is converted into heat and produces no light at all. Only about 15 percent of energy is converted into white light. With Florescent bulbs 50 to 90 percent of energy is converted into light. This means a lot less energy for a lot more light. In fact a 15 watt florescent bulb will produce the same amount of light as a 60 watt incandescent. That can add up to a lot of savings.

Lets say you spend 20 dollars a month on electricity with incandescent bulbs right now. At 9 cents a kilowatt you have 222 kilowatts to spend. Thats equal to 370 hours of light divided into the number of light bulbs in your house lets say fifteen.
Thats 24 hours of light per light bulb per month.

With florescent bulbs you get a grand total of 987 hours of light per bulb per month. Wow thats a lot more bang for your buck. These bulbs are 41% more efficient.

If money persuades you. You can save 100 dollars a year for every 15 light bulbs you replace if florescent lighting. Sweet!

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